
Let’s get in contact with nature by hiking in wonderful environments (for one or more days). Our valleys, which present numerous trails, are ideal for this activity. Huts and hotels offer a high-quality hospitality, while maintaining a familiar touch. Our school has been operating for many years and today we can take you hiking many tested paths around the Alps.
Our Mountain Guides have been working for over thirty years in contact with Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio and they deepened their knowledge about nature and environment, developing a profound contact with fauna, flora and history of the territory. We aim to offer you a complete and didactic experience.

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Trekking guidato tra malghe e rifugi nel Parco dello Stelvio

From € 435

Ortles Cevedale, Trentino, Val di Sole


Bivacco Dino Marinelli 2075 m.

From € 50

Trentino, Val di Sole


Le cascate di Saent e larici monumentali

From € 50

Trentino, Val di Sole


Tour dei rifugi del Brenta

From € 150

Dolomiti, Trentino


Passo del Tonale e la Grande Guerra

From € 50

Trentino, Val di Sole


Traversata del Careser

From € 150

Ortles Cevedale, Trentino, Val di Sole


In cresta sulle Maddalene

From € 120

Ortles Cevedale, Trentino


Cima Collecchio 2955 m

From € 150

Ortles Cevedale, Trentino, Val di Sole


Monte Peller – 2319 m

From € 60

Dolomiti, Trentino


Sforzelin dei Poz – 2608 m

From € 50

Adamello Presanella, Val di Sole


Val Maleda, il bramito del cervo

From € 150

Trentino, Val di Sole

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